Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Memorial Tonight for Killed Bicyclist Craig Murphey

October 21st, 2007 · No Comments

There was a ride and placement of ghostbike last night at the intersection of Union Avenue and Ten Eyck Street where 26-year-old Craig Murphey was killed in an accident on Thursday. There is a Candlelight Memorial Tonight. From the Williamsboard:

This evening, Sunday Oct 21st we will meet at 9pm in Macri Park [on Union Avenue between Conseleyea and Metropolitan]. I picked up some candles last night and I have about 72, I hope I run out and need more. If you bring your own candle, please try to get one that isn’t the glass kind so we don’t have to worry about it breaking/going out. I can’t tell you how much I hope for a large turnout. If there was one thing Craig loved, it was his friends. Being around a great number of them would make him so happy. Please tell everyone you know who knew Craig or even those who didn’t to join us.

So we will meet at 9 and distribute candles and walk up to Ten Eyck and Union together.


Tags: Williamsburg