Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Gowanus Lounge Construction Site Du Jour: 80 Metropolitan

October 22nd, 2007 · No Comments

80 Met Open

While the 80 Metropolitan sales team was getting their sales office ready yesterday for its big opening this week, we found the 80 Met construction site was already having an open house. This is the gate on the N. 1st Street side of the site near Wythe Avenue. The good news is that they weren’t doing Sunday work on the site: it looked like the gate had been left wide open all weekend or hadn’t been properly secured, allowing for easy access. (If you look hard at the photo below, you can see bottles on the site.) Regardless, 80 Metropolitan was providing an advance look at, if not a walk around, the 80 Metropolitan basement (or what we’ve been calling The Big Dutch Hole, in honor of our demolished friend, the Old Dutch Mustard Factory). It was open at noon and it was still open at 5PM. Nice paint job and stenciling on the fence, though, parts of which are buckling and warping.

80 Met Inside

Tags: Construction Issues · Williamsburg