Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

MTA Drops F Bomb on Smith-9th Street Station

October 25th, 2007 · 1 Comment

An F Express? Forget about it. The MTA dropped a bomb yesterday, announcing that the Smith-9th Street Station will be closed for up to 12 months while repair work is done on the Culver Viaduct over the Gowanus Canal. Metro reports:

NYC Transit could give no specific dates for the closures because the contract has not yet been awarded. Rough estimates, based on a previously stated 2012 deadline for the end of the project, suggest that Smith-9th could be shuttered for most of 2010, after 15 months of work on switches and tracks. The work will also force riders at the 4th Avenue station onto temporary platforms.

The shocking news was not mentioned by an MTA rep at the most recent public meetings that we attended. That sound you hear? It’s every community leader and politician representing impacted South Brooklyn constituencies text messaging, emailing and calling to rant about how the community is getting, well, f**ked.

Tags: Transportation

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Cap'n Transit // Oct 28, 2007 at 2:30 pm

    What if the MTA were actually trying to find a solution that worked?