1) What’s up at the Trader Joe’s that supposed to be coming to Court Street and Atlantic Avenue? Our colleagues at Racked, who cover so much territory in this city it makes your head spin, took a peak inside and found….nothing going on. There have been rumors that the deal has fallen through, but it could just be a typically long development timeline. [Racked]
2) There’s good news for people that like to shop at the Associated on Fifth Avenue near Union Street. Our friend Gabby Warshawer at Brownstoner, who’s been doing some thorough reporting on retail trends in the Slope and environs, reports that early rumors we noted of a supermarket expansion into space formerly occupied by Beso and the Donut Shop next door are true. While we mourn the loss as a superb photo opportunity we will mourn–someone save the sign for a museum–increased local grocery options are a good thing. [Brownstoner]