This is the way the Fourth Avenue Station will look after the MTA is finished renovating it sometime between 2010 and 2012. The renovation will include the replacement of opaque panels with glass, providing views up and down Fourth Avenue from the elevated bridge structure. The rendering is in the latest edition of the Brooklyn Paper. The bad news is that the mess at the Smith-9th Street Station will be even worse that has been previously noted. Last week, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle reported on the MTA’s recent presentation to Community Board 6: The station will close for nine months in 2010, but it will not be fully returned to service for 27 months, as construction will alternate between northbound and southbound platforms for 18 months after the closure. It’s been previously noted that the Fourth Ave. station renovation will include the use of temporary platforms. If there’s a silver lining to all this, it’s that the G Train is being extended “permanently” to Church Avenue, easing travel between Kensington and Park Slope and Greenpoint.
5 responses so far ↓
1 Brian of Brooklyn // Nov 24, 2007 at 6:51 pm
A few years ago, Forgotten NY did a good piece on the history of this station – along with an explanation on how the windows got to be the way they are – here:
2 J$ // Nov 24, 2007 at 9:38 pm
wow! looks great.
3 Xris (Flatbush Gardener) // Nov 25, 2007 at 7:53 am
When we lived on 6th Street in Park Slope, the Art Deco elements on the bridge caught our eye. I hope they restore this. Best part will be getting rid of the billboards.
4 Cap'n Transit // Nov 26, 2007 at 10:21 am
I’m disappointed that the MTA and the community board haven’t picked up my suggestion to have shuttle buses run through the Battery Tunnel. Shuttle buses to the Fourth Avenue and Carroll Street stations alone are really not enough.
5 Anonymous // Nov 26, 2007 at 12:27 pm
Anyone know if the work @ Smith & 9th is just to the tracks, or will the station get a similar renovation to 4th Ave? All that time out of commission, you’d hope it would get a similar make over.