A broad-based group that includes local officials supporting the Atlantic Yards development renewed their call for an independent study of security at the planned arena at Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues. Citing a setback that is only 20 feet in some places, the officials said a full public airing of issues is needed. Some of the strongest criticism actually came from arena supporters. “If they start talking about street closings, they will have unyielding opposition,” said Council Member David Yassky. “They will have two choices—push the building back, or close streets.” Atlantic Yards Report picks up the Yassky narrative:
“When the security thread is pulled, it may unravel a whole ball of yarn,” Yassky said, noting that security considerations in Lower Manhattan caused “serious changes” in building designs. McClure noted that the Freedom Tower had been moved back 90 feet from the original 25 feet after a security review.
Council Member Bill de Blasio, who is a candidate for Brooklyn Borough President and was a vocal supporter of the Atlantic Yards development said, according to AYR:
“I don’t think that people want to be baited and switched…We need an independent review that says there’s no need for street closings.” He said he had some hope that the administration of Gov. Eliot Spitzer would recognize the importance of transparency.
“The ball game’s not over,” he said, noting that subsidies and other issues must be resolved for the project to move forward. If the developer doesn’t behave more transparently, “then the future of their project is in danger,” he warned.
There is full coverage of the press conference in Atlantic Yards Report and by Jotham Sederstrom in the Daily News. A document by a security consultant says the developer has considered “in detail the ability of the structures to resist progressive collapse or to otherwise fail in a manner that could compromise life or interrupt facility operations.” The press release from the Council of Brooklyn Neighborhoods, which sponsored the event, is here.
6 responses so far ↓
1 Anonymous // Nov 30, 2007 at 7:13 am
What are the chances that 95% of people in this pic are against the idea of the arena entirely and don’t give a rat’s ass about security?
2 Anonymous // Nov 30, 2007 at 8:15 am
what are the chances that 100% of the commenter above is a rat’s ass?
3 Anonymous // Nov 30, 2007 at 9:31 am
at least its a very handsome crowd
4 Peregrine // Nov 30, 2007 at 10:56 am
No question this is JUST the anti AY crowd with yet another desperate attempt to slow down the project.
The latest and most likely last tenants’ case was thrown out so this NON-ISSUE is all they have.
Sad watching politicos using the residents for their own political agendas.
About as sad as 10:15 Anon’s comment above who has no other recourse but too hurl epithets since all legit arguments are well over.
5 Anonymous // Nov 30, 2007 at 11:07 am
Okay buddy, you are wrong about the lawsuits. The two major lawsuits, the only two major lawsuits ever brought agains the project are still both pending, one in state court and one in federal court. So…uhm, you’re wrong.
6 Aaron // Nov 30, 2007 at 9:29 pm
What are the chances that Commenter #3 is married to Eric?