[Photo courtesy of Kriete/flickr]
- Gowanus at Night, (above) [Kriete/flickr]
- The Thinker, in Santa Hat [GerritsenBeach.Net]
- Factory Window #1 [Seriously Excited]
- Ice Bike [INSIJS]
- Union Street Subway [Park Slope Street Photography]
- At the Front of the JMZ [Blue Jake]
- Coney in Winter [Cara S’/flickr]
- Marine Park [seriously excited!]
- Crime Down, but Brooklyn Talks it Up [CityRoom]
- Avalon Myrtle Demolition Starting [Brownstoner]
- Goldman Sachs Nudges Down Forest City Rating [AYR]
- Greenpoint Correspondence [New York Shitty]
- A Blogged Week [Bay Ridge Rover]
- Own Some Custom Made Art [OTBKB]
- Nancy of the Park Slope Christmas Trees [Brooklynometry]
- Get Your Christmas Trees at the Pearl Street Triangle in Dumbo [Dumbo NYC]