We are major fans of the uber-shitty fence at the huge site of 33 Roebling (aka 250 N. 10 Street), which has been a wretched mess and wide open for nearly a year-and-a-half and a major dumping ground for all kinds of crap. At one point, two of the gates were closed, but a third was, inexplicably, left open. We say this to say two things:
1) Pile driving–well work on test piles–is under way at the site, although plans for the six-story building with 147 apartments on the site haven’t been approved.
2) The gates are open again, which means that anybody that wants to play with a pile driver can do so at N. 10th and Roebling. You don’t think they leave the keys in them, do you?

1 response so far ↓
1 Anonymous // Feb 5, 2008 at 12:01 pm
So if ther strike oil, can the locals pumpit out to use to defer heating oil costs? maybe resell for some cash for gas for the car?
humm smells like Petro, looks like Petro, toxic like Petro but the DEP will say “nothing to look at, move along, no worries.”