[Photo courtesy of lornagrl/flickr]
- Red Hook Mural [Blue Jake]
- Gowanus [f.trainer/flckr]
- Bed-Stuy Architectural Digest [Bed-Stuy Banana]
- Urban Cowboy [Park Slope Street Photography]
- Rainbow Clouds + Security [Brooklynometry]
- Manhattan Ave. [autovac/flckr]
- Signs of Life/Metropolitan-Lorimer [Blather from Brooklyn]
- Dead Tree, BQE [Blue Jake]
- Botanica de la BQE [f.trainer/flckr]
- Sunset Park 2000 [Fading Ad Blog]
- Vintage in the Burg [globevision/flickr]
Less Visual:
- Killer Involved in Burg Hostage Siege 35 Years Ago Denied Parole [NYP]
- 475 Kent Tenants Write to Bloomberg, Wanting to Be Let Back In [Brownstoner]
- Atlantic Yards Camera Club Tomorrow [AYR]
- Join the Atlantic Yards Camera Club!!! [Brit in Brooklyn]
- Imagining the Possibilities of a Connected G Train [BDE]
- Bed-Stuy Real Estate Picks [Bed-Stuy Blog]
- RIP David Oats, Activist & Dear Friend of Flushing Meadows Park [NYDN]
- Lonely Hearts at Slope’s Community Bookstore [OTBKB]
- More Sanctimony About Pint Sized Park Slope Street Urinators [Brooklynometry]
- Kensington Shooting [Kensington Brooklyn]
- Fort Greene Muggers Have Good Taste in Bags [Set Speed]
- Strollers, Toddlers, Mommies, Bars & Union Hall [NYT]
- New to Market [Dumbo NYC]