Community Board 1 will be making a decision about whether to support the Brooklyn Greenway along Kent Avenue and West Street. Because the waterfront esplanades that aren’t wide enough, the bikeway would have to go on the street and, as a result, some parking would have to be eliminated. A letter from the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative says, in part, “We have undertaken a parking study and determined that the number of spaces that would be affected can be re-created on adjacent streets by updating parking regulations in industrial areas that are now becoming residential…Building the dedicated bikeway would add over 200 new street trees on these streets, situated on new planted medians that will separate cyclists from moving traffic. It will mitigate the truck route quality of the streets, turning them into places that will be more attractive to pedestrians and conducive to thriving new retail activity.–Green Brooklyn
Bklink: Brooklyn Greenway
February 11th, 2008 · No Comments
Tags: Shortlink · Urban Planning