[Holga photo courtesy of semarr/flickr]
- Gowanus Buff [Blue Jake]
- Gowanus [Joe’s NYC]
- Neighbor [Park Slope Street Photography]
- Dumbo Scaffold [Frank Lynch/flickr]
- The Famous Burg Con Men Sign [Fading Ad Blog]
- Greenpoint Santa & Sombrero [New York Shitty]
- Hotel St. George [Josh Derr/flickr via Brooklyn Heights Blog]
- Remainders [Lex’s Folly]
- Very Red Parachute Jump, Very Blue Sky [MalNino/flickr]
- Ratner Pays $100K in Day Care Center Eviction Case [AYR]
- Shortage of Federal Money Could Kill 3,000 Affordable Downtown Apts. [BP]
- Assem. Jefferies “Stands with Westchester” on Congestion Pricing [Streets Blog]
- Better Days Ahead for Downtown Office Space? [Brooklyn Daily Eagle]
- The First “Fedders Friday” [New York Shitty]
- Sub-Prime Mortgages as Crack [Bed-Stuy Banana]
- “Storefront Catacombs” at Fourth Avenue Station [Brooklynometry]
- Call for Coney Island Film Fest Entries [Kinetic Carnival]
- Park Slope Books Will Be Missed [OTBKB]
- …But the New Brooklyn Industries Space is Cool [OTBKB]
- Check Out the Colorful Dumbo Mural [Dumbo NYC]
- New Ditmas Park Bistro Almost There [Gothamist]