These birds aren’t just Brooklyn Parrots, they’re Gowanus ones. The photos come from Christian Hanson, a GL reader who, for a time, was doing a blog called walksbklyn. He writes:
I was doing some work on the computer this afternoon when I noticed an inordinate amount of “squawking” going on outside my window. Much to my surprise, and subsequent delight, were the electric green and gray parrots down here on 3rd avenue and 9th street! Apparently, my neighbor had put out some feed and anywhere from 2 to 8 parrots were pillaging the supply of seed. Pretty awesome to see such beautiful birds right outside the window.
We do love our Brooklyn parrots, particularly the Gowanus crew.

1 response so far ↓
1 Anonymous // Mar 5, 2008 at 9:34 pm
yaknow those are Monk Parakeets technically, not parrots. Great to see a picture though!