Is Fifth Avenue going one-way in Sunset Park? We haven’t seen anything about this, but a reader sent us the photo above, which shows a new one-way sign waiting to be uncovered at Fifth Avenue and 34th Street that bears all the signs of some temporary changes. (That’s Green-Wood Cemetery in the background.) He writes:
Today I noticed new “do not enter” (DNE) and “one-way” signs on 5th avenue at 34th street. In the picture, the “3” in “34 St” is obstructed from view by the one-way sign, but you can clearly see greenwood cemetery in the background. The one-way is pointing south-bound and the DNE facing north-bound traffic at 34th st suggesting that south of 34th 5th ave would continue to be two ways. The new pattern is not in effect as of yet–I presume they make changes like this in the dark at night.
I’m not sure how far north this extends or whether this is a temporary thing…I called 311 and was told that in order to verify a street sign or traffic change I would need to submit it in writing. I figured I’d ask you first since you seem to know the ins and outs of our fair and gentle borough so well.
Given the furor last year about one-way changes around Park Slope, we doubt that it’s a permanent change. In fact, Fifth Avenue was left off the one-way list. So, we assume it’s a construction-related issue. Anyone know what’s up?
2 responses so far ↓
1 Anonymous // Mar 7, 2008 at 9:23 am
I’m sure this is related to the very long-awaited repaving of 5th Ave. south of about 23rd. The roadway is in unbelievably poor condition. I imagine the road is going to go one way alternately as each side is torn up. Also, there may be more underground work planned — there’s been a lot of that already.
2 LizD // Mar 8, 2008 at 7:05 pm
As a regular rider of the B63 I’ve seen notices in the buses that Northbound 5th Ave between 39th st and 20th st will be closed effective March 10, 2008, indefinitely. I’ve heard through the grapevine that its for road reconstruction. The Northbound B63 will be re-routed onto 4th Ave. The MTA/NYC Transit web site has the details.