Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Upcoming: Meeting on Fighting School Budget Cuts

March 10th, 2008 · 1 Comment

There’s a meeting coming up this week “to strategize about stopping the Department of Education (DOE) school budget cuts.” It’s on Thursday (3/13) and we got an email about it from “Friends of Bill de Blasio.” Here’s a bit from the email:

I want to inform you about a meeting we are organizing on March 13th at St. Francis College to bring together members of the community to strategize about stopping the Department Of Education (DOE) school budget cuts.

We will hear from all different groups at the event- including constituents, members of the Community Education Councils (CEC), PTA and other education leaders. This event is an opportunity to for community members to:

1. Hear from teachers, parents, advocates, and union leaders about how these sudden cuts will affect our schools.

2. Learn how to be a leader in your school and district to champion support for resolutions to reverse these cuts NOW.

3. Discuss concerns with Brooklyn Parent-Teacher Associations (PTA) and Community Education Councils (CEC) and share ideas about how we can fight to preserve our children’s education and reverse the budget cuts together.

The meeting takes place from 7PM-9PM on Thursday at St. Francis College’s Callahan Center, which is located at 180 Remsen Street, 1st Floor (Between Court and Clinton Streets).

Tags: Education · Events

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Anonymous // Mar 10, 2008 at 5:02 am

    I wonder if Bill realizes that the 13th is parent-teacher conference day for elementary schools. I think that teachers and parents who would like to attend will be unable to do so.