These are a couple of images shot at the “Save Coney Island” event at Southpaw in Park Slope this past weekend sent our way by photographer and blogger Adrian Kinloch. The big–and happy–news that came out of the event is that boardwalk entrepreneur Dianna Carlin, AKA Lola Staar, will be operating a roller rink in the historic Childs Restaurant building this summer. That, quite frankly, is the nicest Coney Island news we’ve heard in some time. Mr. Kinloch has a lot of images posted of the show, which can be seen here. Sarah Ryley, meanwhile, supplies some details about the event in the Brooklyn Eagle as well as quoting Coney Island Development Corp. President Lynn Kelly as saying she remains “confident and agreement can be reached.” Meanwhile, March 22 is the opening date for roller skating at Childs.

1 response so far ↓
1 Anonymous // Mar 11, 2008 at 9:09 am
What a bumch of clowns.
And that logo!
Put two of those “S” s together and you’ll think of death camps not amusement.
Waste of creative energy.