Some reactions from Brooklyn bloggers to the Eliot Spitzer scandal:
- Eliot Spitzer Inspires New Song: “Love Client No. 9” [Bay Ridge Blog]
- Client 9 [Sustainable Flatbush]
- Even Governors Get Lonely [White in Bay Ridge]
- Another Moralist Bites the Dust [Brooklyn Optimist]
- Jackass #10 [Bad Advice]
- Whither Spitzer? [Self-Absorbed Boomer]
- On Spitzer [Brooklyn Junction]
- Prostitutes and Congestion Pricing [No Land Grab]
- The Desire for Humiliation [Full Permission Living]
- We Were Kidding at the Time About the Governor [Esthetic/Aesthetic]
- Slopers Excited About “the First Black and the First Blind Governor” [OTBKB]
- Client 9 from Outer Space [DITHOB]