- NYS Politics: A Brand New Day [DITHOB]
- On Spitzer [Brooklyn Junction]
- What Will Be Spitzer’s Second Act? [OTBKB]
- It’s Not Unusual: NY Screwing You [Duffield St. Underground]
- “They Tell Me This Spitzer Guy Resigned” [Brooklyn Streets]
- Two Missed Morsels in the Feeding Frenzy [Brooklyn Optimist]
- Real Estate “Angst” About Paterson to Extend to Atlantic Yards [AYR]
- Spitzer’s Ho Ho Ho [Left in Bay Ridge]
- Spitzer Resigns [Bay Ridge Rover]
- David Paterson Welcomed by LGBTQ Community [Fading Ad Blog]
- Eliot Spitzer, Monster and Criminal, Resigns [Bay Ridge Blog]