The “Scoping Hearing” for the big, proposed Toll Brothers Gowanus development is today (3/13). There are two sessions, one from 2PM-5:30PM and the other from 6PM-8:45PM. It will take place at 22 Reade Street. Attendees can make statements of up to three minutes about the project and written statements can also be submitted through March 24. A reader left a comment on our post yesterday and we’re reproducing it here:
Tomorrow’s testimony is not to speak for or against this proposed development. It is to ask Toll to consider other options and expand the menu of choices for when this project goes thru ULURP. The “no build” option is automatically considered in the environmental review.
People can ask can ask for the project to be reduced to avoid negative impacts. The development is 447 apartments so an easy way to reduce size is scrap the 130 units of affordable housing, which probably doesn’t generate profit for Toll. We can ask for more on-site parking to quell fears of traffic congestion.
The big miss of this project is that Toll raises the development above the flood plain by programming parking at street level, which is a criminal approach to waterfront re-development and I doubt anyone will enjoy living there. Let’s ask for some restaurants, cafes, bars, art galleries, etc.. at street level! Toll can even add a few apartments / floors to pay for it!
4 responses so far ↓
1 Anonymous // Mar 13, 2008 at 2:33 pm
This blows. I have missed both meetings. Why can’t they have it in the neighborhood they will be impacting. And if no one attended, the gates are wide open for them. This is unfair.
2 Anonymous // Mar 13, 2008 at 4:19 pm
where do we mail the written comments too???
3 Anonymous // Mar 13, 2008 at 5:00 pm
comments must be sent in before March 24, 2008 and should be focused on a
particular area of concern, using factual data to support your points. If
you are planning on writing a letter, one copy should be sent directly to
City Planning, to the following address:
Robert Dobruskin
Dept. of City Planning
22 Reade St.
New York, NY 10007
A copy of the same letter should be sent to Community Board 6, to be kept on
Community Board 6
250 Baltic St.
Brooklyn, NY 11231
4 Anonymous // Mar 13, 2008 at 7:35 pm
Thanks, but, why does it have to be so specific? I will have to LOOK at the thing, doesn’t that count as proof enough? How can the general pyblic possibly voice an opinion? We don’t all have site surveys laying around.