Even thought Lt. Gov. David Paterson does not assume the governorship until Monday, it’s never too early to get the campaign started urging him to “pull the plug” on the Atlantic Yards project.

Even thought Lt. Gov. David Paterson does not assume the governorship until Monday, it’s never too early to get the campaign started urging him to “pull the plug” on the Atlantic Yards project.
Tags: Atlantic Yards
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7 responses so far ↓
1 The Phantom // Mar 14, 2008 at 11:41 am
Brooklyn wants this project and Brooklyn will get it!
2 Anonymous // Mar 14, 2008 at 2:41 pm
No Brooklynite I have ever ever met anyhwere has anything but WRATH for Ratner and is ill-conceived MEGA-BOMB project. Let’s pray Paterson will save us from this disaster we will all live to regret in its current format. Let’s GET A ULURP NOW for AY!! That was one of countless unnecessary, human, greedy errors with this over-sized monster from the start…
3 loose stool // Mar 14, 2008 at 5:13 pm
5:41 I suspect you live in one of those recenly gentrified hoods. Try traveling a little larger and go south of Park Slope. I don’t know one of those “old school” neighborhoods that doesn’t want the arena.
4 Peregrine // Mar 14, 2008 at 6:10 pm
“Try traveling a little larger and go south of Park Slope. I don’t know one of those “old school” neighborhoods that doesn’t want the arena.”
Exactly right. But this will not only help Flatbush south of the park but the immediate area around the arena as well.
Paterson will have so much on his plate with Bruno as Lt. Gov. that he won’t cross Bloomberg or Marty on this.
It will get built.
AYR and DDDB have cheated the people they have raised money from and seriously hurt the people they convinced not to take the buyouts.
Both AYR and DDDB are much more dishonest that Ratner has ever been.
5 Annika S. // Mar 15, 2008 at 11:45 am
I think the new Gov will have truly important things to deal with and stopping this exciting project should not be one of them. I’ve lived in the AY part of BK for close to 20 years and I am looking forward to this innovative and architecturally stunning renaissance of what has been an ugly hole in the middle of Brooklyn for way too long. And, most of my local BK friends and neighbors support AY also; and we are tired of all of the hysterical and selfish anti-AY noisemakers. Why don’t they devote their energy to stopping hideous “luxury-condo” developments ruining our neighborhoods, instead of stifling something that promises to be truly useful and beautiful?
6 Norman Oder // Mar 16, 2008 at 12:43 pm
The anonymous (and thus cowardly) Peregrine accuses me of having “cheated the people they have raised money from and seriously hurt the people they convinced not to take the buyouts.”
Untrue, all of that.
Norman Oder
Atlantic Yards Report
7 Peregrine // Mar 17, 2008 at 2:58 pm
“Untrue, all of that.
Norman Oder
Atlantic Yards Report”
The fact is Norman Oder, AYR and DDDB have wasted enormous amounts of money on a series of losing positions that have taken time and money out peoples pockets, kept them from seeking lucrative buyouts and needlessly tied up the courts.
By giving people false hope and taking their money to fund the lawsuits AYR and DDDB have hurt people.
BTW I thank GL for allowing more than one opinion to be voiced here.
Not once has Norman Oder posted a comment that differs from his dogma.
On my blog I have allowed all points of view that are not overly obscene. It seems Norman Oder has no tolerance for opposing views.