Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Bklink: Weekend in Williamsburg

March 17th, 2008 · No Comments

On a sunny Saturday in Williamsburg, as cranes were crashing down in Manhattan, workers were busy at all the big developments. “At 80 Metropolitan…North 1st Street was blocked as workers loaded material. No flagman was present. Urban Green was pumping concrete on North 5th Street…Again, no flagman (but at least traffic could pass). Workers were also banging away at 154 Berry Street, as well as at a host of other smaller projects. Of course, I have no idea if any of these projects had a variance for weekend work. By wading through the payment history for 5 different permits at Urban Green, we can say conclusively that they probably had a variance…”–Brooklyn 11211

Tags: Construction Issues · Shortlink · Williamsburg