Trusting Cleaners on Court Street is gone for good, the victim of rent increase and an inability of the community to prevail on the landlord to find a way to keep the cleaners open. The Oh family, which ran the shop was much loved in the community as can be seen in this email via the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association that says the farewell party for them has had to be moved to a bigger venue:
We will be gathering to celebrate their kindness on Sunday, March 30, from 3-5 pm. (NEXT SUNDAY). Due to the overwhelming desire of clients and neighbors to pay tribute to them, we need to change location from Sam’s Restaurant on Court Street. I will
be speaking with the secretary at Kane Street Synagogue today to work on details.As you may know, only kosher food may be brought into the Synagogue so we will basically be having simple items (fruit, desserts, beverages)….Kane Street Synagogue is located at 236 Kane Street between Court and Tompkins Place.
The death march of useful businesses continues. Anyone interested in more info about the even can contact kmgweigel (at) aol (dot) com.