The big Coney Island lot that once held go-kart tracks, batting cages and other amusements that was cleared by developer Joe Sitt last winter, may be getting some life back this summer. There’s word on the Coney Island Message Board that there will be rides and games on the developer’s property. (We presume it’s reliable, but haven’t been able to independently verify it.) Last month, there were signs posted for a flea market on the property. The site is between W. 12 Street and Stillwell Avenue and between the Bowery and stores on the Coney Boardwalk. Last summer a circus used the land for about a week and Thor Equities held movie screenings there. The poster known as Coney Island Barker writes on the Message Board: “Will be from 12 st to Stillwell games and a carnival with rides and games Sitt going in the right direction for now it looks like….also there will be two rides on 12th st in front of the old bank. For the summer. Also the games in the building on the bowery will reopen this season.” If the report is correct, it will reintroduce some life to a big block that Mr. Sitt cleared far in advance of any Coney Island development, although reactions among the Coney watchers–who were less than thrilled with last year’s inflatable Sitt slide, for instance–that populate the board has not been entirely positive.