Despite a last minute push to derail a rezoning of a small area around Grand Street in Williamsburg that is under a great deal of development pressure, the City Council voted for approval yesterday afternoon. The downzoning, which would limit the height of most buildings to 4-6 stories covers 13 blocks along Grand Street between Marcy Avenue and Berry Street as well as surrounding streets. Most buildings in the neighborhood are only three or four stories tall. It would kill project such as the 15-story Karl Fischer “Monster Tower” planned for the corner of Grand & Driggs. The rezone had worked its way through the community and the review process over time, but action was speeded up after it became clear that developers of two tall buildings were hoping for delays so their buildings could rise. The new zoning, according to the WGPA blog, also eliminates “the much-abused ‘community facility bonus.'” The rezone could force the redesign of more than a dozen planned projects.