There a significant meeting coming up tonight (4/8) for the Brooklyn Greenway. Here’s the info from the Brooklyn Greenway webtsite:
Big Turnout Needed for Greenpoint/ Williamsburg Greenway Meeting
The full board of Community Board 1 will decide on the plan for the physically separated bikeway on Kent Ave and West St. We need a strong showing of support to make the board know the overwhelming desire for these improvements for pedestrians and cyclists. Sign up speak by 6:15 PM. Meeting begins at 6:30pm
Location: Swinging 60’s Senior Citizens Center, 211 Ainslie Street, Brooklyn, New York 11211 (Corner of Manhattan Avenue)
Another email with some info says:
a “greenway” is not quite the same thing as a bike lane, although the Brooklyn Greenway has a bike lane element. The Brooklyn Greenway is funded by CMAQ (federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality money); our regular on-street bike lanes are funded via DOT’s paint and asphalt budget. The Brooklyn Greenway will provide a safe, designated walking lane for people who wish to take a nice walk; it will provide critical traffic calming along Kent Avenue, which is also a truck route (and will also provide critical air quality mitigation — also important because of the truck route). With a planted median containing 250 trees, the Brooklyn Greenway is more of a linear park, than a bike lane; and the tree-planting and walking elements make it all a genuine, significant benefit to our community. The car parking that would be displaced by the Brooklyn Greenway plan has been replaced nearby, and DOT is moving right now to make those parking spaces available now, in advance of theproject.
The Greenway would cover 14 miles, from Newtown Creek to Sunset Park. There is a lot more information about it at the Greenway website.