Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

"Symbol of Luxury": Mini Dachshund Puppies

April 25th, 2008 · 5 Comments

Luxury Puppies

Do you have your mini dachshund puppy? They are, after all, symbols of luxury. We found this flier posted in Brighton Beach. So, if mini dachshunds in unique color patterns and colors are symbolically luxurious, what are chihuahuas? In any case, they sure are cute in those photos, symbols of luxury or not.

Tags: Animals · Brighton Beach

5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Anonymous // Apr 25, 2008 at 7:41 am

    Don’t support breeders. Adopt a shelter dog!

  • 2 Anonymous // Apr 25, 2008 at 8:35 am

    As the owner of a mini dachshund puppy, I live in a world of cute.

    I also live in a world that involves training my dog every hour that I’m awake and present.

    Cute=yes, Luxuious=no

    If you are in fact intersted in your own dachshund puppy, please contact these folks at:

    Almost home daschund rescue:


    Coast to Coast Dachshund rescue

    If they don’t have the puppy you’re looking for, and you still HAVE to to go a breeder, be sure you follow every tip on finding a good breeder:

    You’ll be surprised, a good breeder often charges a lot less than you would think for a high quality, healthy dog with a good temprament. That will save you vet bills and world of hassle.

  • 3 Marian // Apr 25, 2008 at 11:23 am

    Bravo, 11:35! Of course a really good breeder is in the business not just to make a quick buck but for the love of the dogs, so they won’t try to squeeze every penny out of the buyer. But rescue is definitely the way to go.

  • 4 Anonymous // Apr 25, 2008 at 1:19 pm

    These poeople are truely demented and should be investigated. What’s next? Fur collars while you wait? or These cats are great status symbols, Pin them to your lapel while louging in your glass box with your fake DWR furniture. dogs are for love not luxury.

  • 5 Anonymous // May 1, 2008 at 12:27 am

    aside from the fact that something is seriuosly wrong with these people….

    the dog in the middle photo has a coat pattern called double dapple. doube dapple is the result of breeding two dappled dachshunds, or any genetic combo of dapple/double dapple.

    Serious breeders know to never even attempt to get a double dapple, something in the gene code can produce puppies with all sorts of horrible disfigurements, i wont go into detail but its pretty awful. If you want to see horrible photos of disfigured puppies do a google search on it.

    The dapple pattern is pretty for sure, but this particular breeder is seriously playing with fire. with that double in there.