The mystery of what will end up in the big lot at Metropolitan and Marcy Avenues has been solved by a sign. It’s going to be a new Capital One Bank branch. It will be the first branch of a big bank on the west side of the BQE in Williamsburg, although it’s still not close enough to Bedford Avenue to pose a serious challenge to bodega ATMs. That niche will eventually be filled a (urgh) Commerce Bank branch, although the building where it would go has been a skeleton since 2006 and is currently a little bit of a threat to public safety. (Paging DOB…there’s a wide open fence leading to one-story drop into a basement pit a few steps off busy Bedford Avenue.) Will it have drive-through banking?
New Burg Capital One: Excellent Drive Up Location
May 12th, 2008 · No Comments
Tags: Williamsburg