The City Planning Commission heard a lot of statements yesterday about the proposed zoning text amendment for Carroll Gardens that would redefine a number of streets for zoning purposes as being narrow and reduce the size of future new buildings and additions to existing ones. Nearly three dozen people spoke at the hearing, most in favor of the amendment. The pro-amendment speakers included representatives of City Council Member Bill de Blasio, State Sen. Marty Connor and Borough President Marty Markowitz. They also included Community Board 6 (and City Council candidate) Craig Hammerman, local blogger (and City Council candidate) Gary Reilly, New York State Sen. candidate Daniel Squadron and Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association (CGNA) President Maria Pagano. Many other speakers were from the CORD group and the CGNA. Among the anti-amendment speakers were two Community Board 6 members opposed to the plan as well as an attorney for 360 Smith developer Billy Stein (the building’s official address is on one of the “wide” place streets that would be redefined as narrow by the amendment.) One of the CB6 members has just joined the Board. The opponents argued that the amendment would harm the neighborhood and also suggested there had been inadequate public notice for meeting, seeming to lay the groundwork for a legal challenge.
Here is a summary of the meeting circulated by Ms. Pagano of the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association:
The recording clerk at the hearing was concerned when I registered this morning,advising me of the more than 30 speakers ahead of me. Luckily, there is a three minute limit on testimony and even with overruns, the text amendment hearing was over before 2:00 PM. Each person testified before the 14 member commission in the order of registration. The Carroll Gardens neighborhood was complimented by one commissioner, Shirley McRae, for the wide cross section of support- including neighbors, city agencies and elected officials. She recognized the representatives from Senator Connor, City Councilman DeBlasio and Borough President Markowitz; noted supporters from other groups like Linda Eskenazy from 4 Boro, Tony Marchese from the Brooklyn branch of the AIA, our neighbors from CORD, the USBA and friends and supporters from Cobble Hill.
If the Planning Commission approves the amendment, it goes to the City Council for a vote. The odds remain strong that it will pass, but there could be critical delays if there is litigation.