Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Bklink: Sheepshead Zen

July 26th, 2008 · No Comments

link-asterisk.jpgWho knew that Sheepshead Bay could look so tranquil and zen, although we do know that it can look very non-New York City with its sailboats and swans and its fishing fleet. It’s also got plenty of that old fashioned Brooklyn grit from pollution to dead bodies washing up. “I’ve gone out on fishing boats to the Atlantic that are moored there, walked along the Bay on dates, seen it at all hours of the day, in all its various polluted shades and hues, and always kind of delighted that it is the symbol of where I live. A dirty, filthy Bay, that happens to have, as far as non-human entities go, a lot of spirit and character.”–Erica’s Blog

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