Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

More Local Credit Card Fraud: “Beware Large Warehouse Shoppers”

August 17th, 2008 · 4 Comments

The issue of credit card fraud is close to an evergreen, with things happening everywhere. A few months ago, there were many reports of fraud that seemed to be originating at an unnamed merchant on Seventh Avenue in Park Slope, thought no culprit was ever identified. This morning there’s the tale of a recent incident that seems to have originated at a “large warehouse” store. While earlier reports indicated some sophisticated theft rings with card information being distributed far and wide, this incident seems to be of the more homespun and inept, if not moronic, variety. It comes from a Park Slope Parents email and here are some excerpts:

I just wanted to post about a disturbing incident this afternoon. We found out that someone had fraudalently charged our AMEX account with over $1,000 worth of plane tickets to Mexico and the Carribean. After reporting the incident to AMEX and the police, my husband called the airline and was able to access the name of the person who purchased the plane tickets and the names of the passengers who traveled under the flights purchased. Fortunately, we only use our AMEX card at one particular warehouse type store and so it helped us narrow down where the theft may have come from. We called the warehouse store to inform their management of what had happened. Upon inquiring further with the manager, we found out that the person who purchased the tickets with our stolen credit card info, was in fact a current employee. All of this information was given to the police (including the person’s name)to aid in the investigation. While we are not sure if an arrest will be made, we wanted to put the word out and warn folks that credit card frauds are at large again.

We expect a fresh bunch of stories to follow.

Tags: Crime · Park Slope

4 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Janet // Aug 17, 2008 at 8:25 pm

    I wouldn’t be so confident that the “current employee” hasn’t stolen someone else’s identity. The Warehouse Store Which Cannot Be Named but which Only Takes American Express–I’m LOL

  • 2 rony // Aug 17, 2008 at 9:56 pm

    so what was the “warehouse store” in question? is someone trying to protect their identity?

  • 3 Anonymous // Aug 18, 2008 at 11:00 am

    the person did not say the warehouse ONLY takes AMEX

  • 4 Janet // Aug 18, 2008 at 12:59 pm

    S/he didn’t say it, but I think it was a fair inference to presume that the writer uses AMEX at that store and none other because the credit cards s/he uses elsewhere are not accepted there.