“What is it about the inexorable approach of the end of summer. Even though I love the fall, and even the winter, when it is not too intense, the approach of the week before labor day brings a little bit of ennui, a rootlessness and sense of endings, of movings on..For most households that include children, adolescents and young adults, when this time of year comes around the scent of salt water, seaweed and suntan lotion begins to curdle and set into the faint whiff of the Death March to Bataan..our household is not much different. So, the other night, we were driven by the urge to hit the beach, to pretend it was Forver Summer. We walked the Boardwalk at Coney Island. First stop, Ruby’s Bar and Grille, just a stumble away from Shoot the Freak!”–DITHOB
Bklink: Coney Island of the Soul
August 25th, 2008 · No Comments
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