Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Motorcycle Madness #1: To the Jerk Who Knocked Over My Bike

August 25th, 2008 · No Comments

This is a self-described “rant” from Brooklynian to a person who knocked over someone’s motorcycle while pulling out of a parking space and, uh, hurt it a little bit:

How did you not see my motorcycle parked right in front of your vehicle?!? Thank you for being so careless as to, while pulling out of your parking space, drive into it and knock it over, HARD. You hit it hard enough to knock it over, despite the fact it was leaning downhill! Oh, and thanks for the green paint you left rubbed into my frame.

Thank you for standing it back up, trying to pretend as if nothing happened, despite the fact it was dumping both oil and radiator fluid. Hope you got some on your pants. Thank you for driving off, without leaving a note. I now need to replace a number of very expensive parts on the bike, thanks to your carelessness. Way to be a neighbor. Take some responsibility next time.

Another motorcycle -related item in a bit.

Tags: Park Slope