Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

NY City Explorers Responds to Allegations of “Filth”

August 28th, 2008 · No Comments

Yesterday, we posted a BoCoCa Parents email from a parent upset about what she called “filth” and broken toys at NY City Explorers, a play space for kids at 388 Atlantic Avenue. One of the owners responded, so it’s only appropriate to post what she has to say:

Thank you so much for your feedback about our Atlantic Avenue playspace. Keyanna and I welcome all comments and suggestions from our customers and take them very seriously. We opened on Atlantic Avenue last November and are incredibly grateful that we opened our doors in a neighborhood where families support the services that we offer and come out to enjoy our space. We aspire to be a warm, welcoming place where families can play safely, make new friends, and enjoy a fun and laid-back environment. We green-clean daily and have all carpets and upholstery professionally cleaned on a regular schedule. To keep our hardwood floors spiffy, we mop daily (or more depending upon the customer traffic) and sweep as often as needed throughout the day.

Though I was on maternity-leave during your visit to our play space, I ensure you that the conditions that you described in your email in no way reflect the standards that Keyanna and I have set for our space. I have children as well as you do and know how important cleanliness is to keep germs at bay and keep children healthy. Our entire staff also takes pride in the space and have been briefed on your concerns.

I encourage you to come back and give our space a try. Should you decide that our space and services are not a good fit for your family, I will happily offer you a refund for your play pack.
Again, both Keyanna and I thank you for voicing your concerns and helping us to make our playspace the best for our customers. Feel free to call us or come in to introduce yourself. I’m here most days for a few hours from 10am until early afternoon. I am either the calm woman with a baby girl in a Maya Wrap or Ergo sitting near or at the front desk or the frantic woman rushing outside trying to convince the meter maids on Atlantic to refrain from giving me my 27th parking ticket.

Filthy or not? In any case, the entire place is closed from August 31-September 6 for renovation.

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