It’s hard to know what to make of the future of Snark in the Park, a brand new blog, except to say that it’s going to take a different kind of look at Prospect Park. What do we mean? Well, the first post is about a spot where one can find many un-parklike things, such as condom wrapper, lubricant containers and the like. In the first post, the snarkmeister writes:
My friends, we’ll eventually get to wildlife and all manner of beautiful things. However, today we make a close examination of a lesser-known Prospect Park ecosystem – the Wild Blooming Condom Groves.
It should be an interesting ride.
3 responses so far ↓
1 Brenda from Flatbush // Aug 29, 2008 at 11:40 am
Having covered the Condom Beat several times in my “Year in the Park” travels, I should also warn the Snarkmeister that Prospect Park is so rich in absurdity, tragedy, loveliness, and simple humanity that his (her?) Core Snark Levels may come under siege, even as his/her nose quivers in the undergrowth for evidence of filth and depravity. After eight months of near-daily visits, my own foul temper has become 18% less cynical and 24% less bleak. Meanwhile, I shall think of the Snarkster as my own personal Gollum, following me at a distance in the underbrush and muttering darkly.
2 Parker // Aug 29, 2008 at 1:08 pm
And I shall think of you as my better-schooled elder, Brenda. Truly – I’ve been enjoying your blog for quite a while, and honestly, our cyber paths have crossed before. (I shant tell.)
I’m hoping that perhaps my core levels of snark will indeed come under siege. However, I think you’ll find that there will be beauty and loveliness revealed as I go about my mission, perhaps just revealed in a manner that is more “me” – snarky.
And maybe along the way, we can shed some light on things that could be cleaned up and made more beautiful. And bring some attention to the cool resource we have a few blocks down the street too.
Anyhow. I figure, it takes all types.
3 Brenda from Flatbush // Aug 29, 2008 at 2:43 pm
With 585 acres to roam around in, and infinite bandwidth, there is room for all! Welcome aboard; to quote that B. Kliban cat, “If I had two dead mice, I’d give you one.”