The Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association, which once met at the Scotto Funeral Home on Court Street, starts up with its post-Labor Day meetings tonight at a new location, the Hannah Senesh Community Day School at 342 Smith Street. Here’s is the email:
Just a quick reminder- we resume the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association general meetings on Monday, Sept. 8 at our new location: Hannah Senesh Community Day School,342 Smith St (entrance mid block between First and Second Place), First floor Gym, 7:30 pm. We will continue to meet on the second Monday of each month, barring holidays, which are noted(*). 2008 meeting dates: Sept. 8, Oct. 6* , Nov. 10, Dec. 8, 2008. 2009 meeting dates: Jan. 12, Feb. 9, Mar. 9, Apr. 6 *, May 11, June 8, 2009.
The CGNA meetings generally deal with a lot of interesting issues.