Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Seven Years: 09.11.01-09.11.08

September 11th, 2008 · No Comments

A lot of people will experience a lot of emotions today from abject grief to raging anger and everything in between. It is hard to believe that it has been seven years and like everyone else reading these words, we remember exactly where we were and what we thought when we heard and saw on that beautiful morning. Every wound heals, and a day will come in a future we won’t be around to see when 9/11 will be an abstract day that people have learned about from photos and videos. Someday, the awful events of that morning seven years ago will cease to lose the power to bring to tears to their eyes or to fill them with rage. But, not now and not yet. We mourn today and we are sad just like everyone else. We are shocked by how much time has already passed and how drastically our lives have changed in the intervening years. A few weeks ago, we were at the Newseum in Washington and were shocked to look up and find the TV tower from the Trade Center on display along with a lot of other artifacts. We felt a sense of depression along with anger. We are tired of feeling like so sad on this day. We are disgusted by the political events that followed 9/11. These are the lights over Gowanus when they were being tested the other night. Tonight, will not be a test. It will be, sadly, quite real. We wish everyone a peaceful day.

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