There is a letter writing campaign underway in Carroll Gardens involving 360 Smith Street (which is going to have a hearing in front of the Board of Standards and Appeals) and Council Member Bill de Blasio. Here’s the latest: “”I have followed this process closely for some time. It is clear that the community has the right approach to restraining capricious development. What is more, it therefore obvious that it is the best economic interest of the community as a whole to adhere to the zoning changes that were enacted, and NOT grandfather in Mr. Stein’s design. That was the spur to the initiative, but hardly the only instance of irrational development in the area. If the councilman cannot see fit to serve the interests of his constituents that have been carefully and rationally demonstrated and passed into law, then he should resign his position and go to work for whatever agency or industry that would better serve his ambitions. That seems to have been his history in any case. Steven Hart, Boerum Hill”–GL Inbox
Brookbit: Dear Councilman….
September 15th, 2008 · 1 Comment
Tags: Brookbit · Carroll Gardens
1 response so far ↓
1 Jason Rowland // Sep 15, 2008 at 10:14 am
As anyone who pays attention to neighborhood issues knows Steve Heart seems to have personal and at times perverse grudge against Mr. de Blasio. It is troubling that one of the most respected neighborhood blogs would not filter out such lunacy.
Mr. Heart has always been quick to blast Mr. de Blasio from behind his computer screen with little recognition of the good work being done in our neighborhood. Our councilman got the wide streets designation changed protection over 600 homes; funded, along with former State Senator Conner, two groups to work on land marking our neighborhood; and gave City Planning $50, 000 to hire a city planner dedicated to our down zoning.
If he resigns and our neighborhood losses another champion, I hold you personally responsible Mr. Heart.