Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Brookbit: Barrette in Prospect Heights Turns One

October 14th, 2008 · No Comments

Barrette bar in Prospect Heights is holding an anniversary party on Thursday, October 16 from 8:00pm to 4:00am. Now a year old, Barrette was one of the new bars that have paved the way for the revitalization of Vanderbilt. Barrette announces, “We’re doing our grand opening party again, only this time we have More! More! More! FIVE dancers, THREE dj’s, DRINK SPECIALS every hour on the hour, and an OPEN BAR from 8-9pm.” Barrette is located at 601 Vanderbilt Ave. Well, I know what I’m doing after work, how about you?E.C. Stephens

Tags: Brookbit · Prospect Heights