Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Disconnected in Brooklyn: You’re a Public Pisser, but Cute

October 26th, 2008 · No Comments

This week’s Sunday Missed Connection has that perfect combination of attraction and anti-social behavior that we find so compelling. (Also, we can’t resist MC’s that involve pee, poop, farting and/or puking, plus theft.) So, here’s our choice for this week:

Apparently you pee in public – w4m – 27 (East Williamsburg)
Good, Seed, and Edible Manhattan (you will know what this means if you are the right person). You were at the courthouse yesterday for urinating in public. Thought you were cute.

Dude, get back to her stat and seal the deal by taking a whiz on her door before she answers.

Tags: Missed Connections