Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Sign of the Times: Hey, It’s a Dollar!!!

October 26th, 2008 · 1 Comment

At Least I Have A...
[Photo courtesy of woodendesigner/GL Flickr Pool]

This came in as a submission to our GL Flickr Pool, but it’s so much more than a pool photo. It’s a statement on these times we live in. The photog writes:

So I have been meaning to take a picture of this dollar since last week when I went to get a bagel from Korean Bagel (It’s a little typical “Bodega” run by a very nice Korean couple and they have some of the best bagels…. but that is a different story). Anyway I got this dollar as change but did not notice until a few days later. I laughed because it really just sums up everything that has been going on with the stock market and in a way everything that I have been ging through lately. I have been very hesitant to spend it and now after shooting it for you people to enjoy I have decided that I am going to save it….. Even though thay also dated it on the back ( 9-20-07) so it was actually written a year ago. Also I don’t know what the deal is with the “dollar dollar” or the lack of proper punctuation after “My” but it still makes me laugh because I did not notice it until I tried to spend it several days later.

Oh, it does make us laugh.

Tags: In the Pool

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Jason Das // Oct 26, 2008 at 7:59 pm

    The grammar makes decent sense. It’s her (or his) dollar that confirms that at least she has a dollar. Her “at least I have a dollar” dollar. Which she no longer has. (But it was worth more back when she did).