City Planning Chair Amanda Burden is comming to Gowanus tonight for a forum hosted by Commmunity Board 6. The general topic is the status of the contentious rezoning of the neighborhood to allow higher density, high-rise development. Per an emial alert:
An update by Commissioner Burden on the department’s land use activities related to the Gowanus Canal corridor. Developed from January through July 2007, the Department of City Planning created a land use framework for the Gowanus Canal corridor. The framework is a set of guiding principles relating to issues including use, density, bulk, and waterfront access, intended to provide standards for formulating and evaluating proposals for future land use changes. in May 2008 the Department of City Planning shared its draft rezoning proposal for 25 blocks along the Gowanus Canal with Brooklyn Community Board 6 and the community-at-large. Commissioner Amanda Burden will meet with the community to give an informational update on the status of the department’s land use activities and address any concerns. THE TOLL BROS PROJECT IS BASED ON THIS REZONING PROPOSAL AND WILL SET A PRECEDENT FOR IT – ANY CONCERNS YOU MAY HAVE REGARDING TOLL BROTHERS PROPOSAL CAN BE ADDRESSED TO THE WHOLE FRAMEWORK.
The meeting starts at 6:30 PM and will take place at PS 32’s auditorium, which is located at 317 Hoyt Street. Ms. Burden’s last visit was last year in April.