Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

The Bank Branch Dead Pool: Think It’ll Ever Happen???

December 1st, 2008 · 3 Comments

Back in May, we noted that the “mystery of what will end up in the big lot at Metropolitan and Marcy Avenues has been solved by a sign.” The sign announced it would be the future location of a Capital One Bank branch. Nothing has happened on the site since, other than that the weeds had a chance to do nicely during the summer months and the construction fence has been wide open for all wishing to use the lot (which used to be a gas station) for recreational purposes. (Also, the dry cleaning plant next door burned down.) Last time we checked, Capital one was still one of the handful of banks that existed, although we’re not clear how much of a government bailout its gotten. It was signficiant because it would have been the first branch of a big bank on the west side of the BQE in Williamsburg, although it’s still not close enough to Bedford Avenue to pose a serious challenge to bodega ATMs (which have multiplied by a factor of 50 in the interrim). The branch niche was supposed to be filled by a Commerce Bank, although they’re now TD North and the building where it would go has been a skeleton since 2006 and is on-and-off a threat to public safety with open fences off Bedford Ave. leading to one-story drops to the basement. But we digress. What are the odds this puppy will ever be built and what bank will it end up being, other the than the Federal Reserve, which should own ever bank by this time next year.

Tags: Williamsburg

3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 rony // Dec 1, 2008 at 4:58 pm

    I hate that corner with a passion. While small business owners have given life to that block, that corner seems like a toxic waste dump. Also, I cannot believe people aren’t killed by trucks turning left on red there on a daily basis.

  • 2 wisco // Dec 1, 2008 at 11:17 pm

    we use the playground there all the time. i hope that the bank gets built because it beats an empty lot. i think TD bank is fine btw. just worked on their ad production and they seemed to have money.

  • 3 dory // Dec 2, 2008 at 12:05 am

    Well, there’s a Chase, a WaMu, and Bank of America on Havemeyer. Right under the JMZ station, all further west than this.