Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Brooklyn Nibbles: Boerum Hill Food Company is Dead

December 4th, 2008 · 13 Comments

[Photo courtesy of Stevey P./Yelp]

The Boerum Hill Food Company on Smith Street closed yesterday. Per an email in the Boerum Hill Group:

I was dismayed to learn that the Boerum Hill Food Company on Smith Street closed today. Clearly a victim of the fiscal crisis. It is a great loss to our community. My husband and I were regular patrons for years as were many of you. It was very popular with a wide cross section of the neighborhood, especially mothers of young babies. I’ll never forget the day there were about 8 new moms, all nursing their babies, sitting around the large round table having a few companionable hours in the hood. As you may know, Saul and Lisa Bolton of Restaurant Saul a few doors away are/were the owners. Restaurant Saul is one of the finest restaurants in the city and we are privileged to have it here in our community and certainly want it to survive. May I recommend that if you are planning a festive dinner out this holiday season, you think of Restaurant Saul. If you have been there you know how extraordinary the food is and how welcoming the staff. If you haven’t been there, you are in for a very special treat. All our local merchants will be hurting this season and will need our support more than ever. So think of Smith Street, Atlantic Avenue and Court Street (and a really cute men’s store on Bergen and Nevins) when you do your holiday shopping.

Another one bites the dust.

Tags: Boerum Hill · Uncategorized

13 responses so far ↓

  • 1 spnder // Dec 4, 2008 at 1:48 pm

    “I were regular patrons for years as were many of you. It was very popular with a wide cross section of the neighborhood, especially mothers of young babies.”

    Not to whip a dead horse, but BHFC has been going downhill for a while. A few years ago I used to go in there all the time- but it really became too much of a hassle: strollers everywhere, nowhere to sit, and slow, sloooow service. Now that’s great, but you’re just not getting a lot of turnaround and you’re turning other people (like me) off from choosing to eat there.

    Now it’s not the mom’s fault. It was a nice, comfortable place to hang out. And the demographics of the neighborhood have definitely slanted to that clientele over time.

    Just saying I’m sad, but not surprised.

  • 2 disappointed // Dec 4, 2008 at 3:35 pm

    Is there more to the story? Apparently the employees weren’t even told it was closing until Monday and Tuesday. I am a huge fan of Boerum Hill Food Company and Saul’s, however, this is no way to treat your employees.

  • 3 Jack // Dec 4, 2008 at 7:51 pm

    A downer to say the least. The place was great. Far better than nearby neighbors Gravy/Trout which was horrendous.

    So any clue as to what happened? It’s odd that they would close before the New Year considering this would be the time of year where they’d get more customers than usual visiting Smith Street.

    Is there some tax related issue that would make a business close before the calendar year?

  • 4 neighbor // Dec 4, 2008 at 10:30 pm

    I have never had anything less than a superlative over the top amazingly great experience at Saul.
    Such a treasure of a place.

  • 5 Anonymous // Dec 5, 2008 at 8:09 am

    I hated that place, but not telling employees until the end is just a way to keep it going a few more minutes before the help bolts. I always flrt that I was being condescended to in there. Babies or no babies. Now the baby club can hang out at that diner across the way. More room and diner’s are used to the stroller cluster f.

  • 6 h.tomato // Dec 6, 2008 at 10:15 am

    I am devastated to hear of this closing. I may have tired some of cutting my ankles on baby strollers, but I live directly across the street from Boerum Hill food and frequently sat in the window drinking Gorilla coffee, reading the Times. Or just picked up Gorilla and brought it back home. Really good Thanksgiving turkey sandwiches too! I always found the staff to be lovely. Certainly MUCH nicer than the scruffy, rude waitstaff a few doors down at Bar Tabac. The only thing that will assuage my grief will be if the spot is replaced with a Gorilla Coffee shop.

  • 7 hungry // Dec 6, 2008 at 1:31 pm

    I have to say, spnder is right. My wife and I moved to the area 2 years ago and have become regulars there. I liked it initially, but grew to hate it. We could rarely get a seat anymore unless we went at odd hours. The problem wasn’t long lines, but the lack or room due to strollers, and babies, and parked strollers, and wandering babies. I like kids, and at some point, I know we’ll be guilty of haphazardly leaving our stroller about, but it was ridiculous. And the mom’s routinely rolled their eyes at those standing, starving in the doorway as though they earned the right to make us wait. I stopped going back. Boca Lupo handles the strollers much better. It’s more expensive, but I’d rather have an enjoyable brunch. Hell, I’d rather have a place to sit.

  • 8 DaTruth // Dec 6, 2008 at 8:52 pm

    Truth is people Saul and Lisa sold the spot to Planet Wings because the money was right and didnt tell any employee til that day..Merry Christmas to all. It just goes to show what pillars of the community these people are and how much they truely care.

  • 9 Truth // Dec 7, 2008 at 1:05 am

    Yes another one bites the dust, 3 weeks before christmas to boot. Its sad that Saul and Lisa decided to sell out to a chain like planet wings after unsuccesfully managing boerum hill food company for so many years. Yes no one want to see Sauls closed, but to use a tired quote arrogance and ignorance are a deadly combination and Saul and Lisa thought they could tell their community of regulars what was best for them and now the community has to pay the price.

  • 10 Anonymous // Dec 7, 2008 at 11:09 am

    atomic wings will take its place. yuck.

  • 11 bunnie // Dec 16, 2008 at 12:58 pm

    I was actually told they were to open up a new concept, neither as high-end as Saul’s but not as casual as BHFC.

    My feelings are the barrista’s will find other lunch spots– but the manager was outstanding and hope he will be involved in the new concept where-ever it may be.

    good luck all…

  • 12 Charlotte // Dec 27, 2008 at 3:55 pm

    Sad to see it closed….Our family welcomed the opening of this place way back in 97 or 98. We had
    already been living in the area since 90 and looked forward to the great food they had and the staff that ran the place….specially Lynn…Saul and Lisa were our neighbors and their oldest went to PS261 before the family moved to Lefferts…Nothing lasts forever….was happy to able to sip Peets….yes there was great coffee on Smith before that Seattle (McDonalds/Walmart ) coffee chain moved last year…..glad to sip and support a local roaster Gorilla…if its true how the staff was told about the closing…..and Planet Wings etc….I hope not!

  • 13 anon // Jan 17, 2009 at 2:16 pm

    Why did they change the menu a couple of months ago? No one wanted to eat food that had been sitting out all day in a glass display case. The original menu was so much better.
    I REALLY hope a wings place doesnt go there. Would be such a shame to lose another store front to a tacky chain.