Lovers of interesting looking buildings might recall The Sochi, which will be a Coney Island/Brighton Beach classic. If it ever happens, as there was word last year the site was on the market. GL Contributor and talented photographer lornagrl was passing by the site yesterday morning and had an interesting encounter:
This morning I was walking down Sea Breeze Avenue to get a cup of coffee. I passed the Sochi construction site (which by the way does not seem to be progressing at all) when I noticed a man at the top of the fence calling out for help and extending a set of keys. “Miss, miss could you please unlock the gate,” he said. It took me a moment to figure out what he wanted but apparently he somehow got locked into the construction site and could not get out. Since it was early in the morning I have to presume that he may have been there all night. I had to try several keys before I found one that would work. I was afraid I would be able to get him out and I would have to call the police. After trying a few keys I was able to unlock the door. He seemed very grateful when I got him out. I didn’t stick around to get his story. I hope I didn’t aid a burglary.
We want our Sochi. Let’s get a move on it. Stat.