Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Truly Low Cost Housing in Gowanus: It’s Free

December 22nd, 2008 · 1 Comment

A GL Reader sent us this pic of squatters leaving a boarded up building in the Greater Gowanus Metroplex. We not going to get into the address and have crop out identifying details as well as blurred the faces of the people leaving. We think the continued presence of squatters in the neighborhood is an interesting one and they are in many locations. Oh, and Brian and associated friends, if you have any threats for us or ugly comments like you’ve had hundreds of times over the last few years, please don’t leave them in the comments. Email us directly at thegowanuslounge (at) gmail (dot) com or send them via handy contact form. If we remember correctly it was some photos of squatters at the “Bat Cave” in Gowanus that set you off a couple of years ago and lead you to threaten the photographer. We look forward to direct communication after all these years of anonymous harassment, name calling and vague threats of violence. Have a nice day.

Tags: Gowanus · Uncategorized

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 mh // Dec 23, 2008 at 1:05 pm

    dude, squatters are not cool or “interesting”. they f’ing suck. imagine buying a car, and then one day you find some dude picked the lock and is sitting in it and refuses to leave. you call the cops but they don’t help you, although they do mention that if you physically threaten the dude, that YOU could face charges. in the meantime you are unable to use your car, even though you’re making payments all the while.

    NOT cool. squatters are thieves and a huge burden — if they’re squatting in your bldg and get hurt, guess who they can sue?