There’s nothing new about the Carroll Street Bridge being tagged up or vandalized, and we realize that we feature plenty of images of what people would consider vandalism, but there’s something that bothers us about seeing our favorite little bridge in New York City being messed up in stupid ways. For instance, was it really necessary to tag up the gate that way in the photo above or to climb up and deface the cool signs across the top of the bridge. We’re especially pissed at the self-promoting jerks behind the Dirty Waters stickers (actually, words much stronger than “jerks” come to mind) which have shown up everywhere.
Carroll Street Bridge Being Vandalized (Again)
January 14th, 2009 · 4 Comments
Tags: Gowanus · Gowanus Canal
4 responses so far ↓
1 owls // Jan 14, 2009 at 10:24 am
I agree with the stupidity of tagging up the bridge like that. The Vegeta tags are obviously by a very young person because Vegeta is a character from the kids cartoon DragonBall Z. I started seeing this persons lame tag all over my neighborhood a few months ago but nothing new has sprung up. Chances are this kid has probably been caught and if he was locked up is probably not hankering to do any further damage. But it’s still an eyesore. The other stuff on the sign is easily removable if some one actually wanted to take the time to remove it. But I’m sure it’s just easier to post a whiney blog post about it and wait for someone else to clean it up.
2 DW // Jan 14, 2009 at 11:01 am
funny, but in other blog entries you post photos of graffiti in other locales [specifically williamsburg] and look at it as ironic art.
both are vandalism.
3 s // Jan 14, 2009 at 11:08 am
By calling this sort of graffiti anything other then vandalism and using the the term “tagging ” acknowledges it as some sort of creative act . Although some graffiti can be beautiful graphically . Except, of course when it’s on my property . This is nothing more then dogs marking territory and we will all eventually get bitten on the ass by tacitly condoning it .
4 aRrf // Jan 14, 2009 at 12:02 pm
I might have been misinformed, but I always thought “tag” referred just to graffiti that was someone’s sorta signature (be it an individual or gang, and yes, like a dog marking territory) and that the term didn’t imply anything artistic.
Regardless, I saw a city truck painting over a Vegeta yesterday on a mailbox on 6th Ave in the south slope. It was actually kind of…poignant/artistic/interesting – a nondescript guy jumps out of a tidy white van with a bucket of bright blue, just the right shade, and a small roller, strides deliberately over to the box, and makes everything all better.