Into our email box comes this invitation to enroll “a child aged 14 through 20” in the NYPD’s 78 Precinct Explorer Program:
The Explorers is an NYPD-sponsored youth organization, open to young men and women ages 14 through 20. It educates young men and women about Law Enforcement as a potential career path choice, by participation in a variety of activities. Such activities include character education and practical life-skills training, crime-prevention awareness, participation with positive youth groups and involvement in community assistance activities. The potential benefits of Explorer participation include a development of personal skills and care for others, and a positive social atmosphere in which to foster leadership, strong character, and a sense of accomplishment. Also available through the program are exciting field trips and a chance to win awards and scholarships through competitive activities. Meetings for Explorers are held twice per month on Wednesdays at 4:00 PM, at the Explorer Post 2078, 65 6th Avenue (between Dean and Bergen Streets), Brooklyn. Enrollees are required to maintain a minimum “C” average to maintain membership in the program. If you are interested in having your child partake in this wonderful opportunity, please feel free to contact P.O. Emmanuel, Explorer Post Advisor for the 78 Precinct at (718) 636-6451.
A 20-year-old is a “child”? And don’t they call 14-year-old “teens”? Ah, but it does say young men and women so all is forgiven.