There’s a ULURP and Waterfront Committee Meeting meet together tonight at 6:30PM at The Lady of the Snow Society facility, 410 Graham Avenue (between Withers Street and Jackson Street). On the agenda:
1.) Item heard at the Public Hearing – CITY PLANNING – WATERFRONT TEXT AMENDMENT (N090239 ZRY) – The Department of City Planning (DCP) is proposing a text amendment to Article VI, Chapter 2 of the Zoning Resolution, which will primarily modify design regulations for public access areas. The proposed changes will generally apply to new residential and commercial developments on waterfront lots in medium and high density zoning districts, and to commercial and community facility developments on waterfront lots in lower density residential and manufacturing districts. The purpose of the text is to improve the quality of waterfront public access areas and allow for greater design flexibility. The proposal will ensure the development of inviting spaces on waterfront properties that are accessible to the public, thereby improving everyone’s enjoyment of the waterfront. The proposal also includes minor modifications of other waterfront zoning regulations – presentation by Mr. Steven Lenard, Planner, Brooklyn Office, NYC Department of City Planning.
Yeah, it sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry, but there have been some serious issues with developments that have already gone up and it’s a serious issue. The photo above is the N. 5 St. Pier behind Northside Piers. It is only open weekends right now.
—E.C. Stephens
1 response so far ↓
1 anon // Jan 28, 2009 at 11:50 pm
The pier at northside is only limited right now because the city parks department is taking over a site that can only be accessed via an active construction site. The bureaucratic complexity of this situation cannot be understated. The ‘design changes’ that city planning is requesting will have no affect on the hours or anything…. it really is mundane (should the walkway be 12′ or 15’… should the clear area in front of benches be 36″ or 30″, etc.)