Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Carroll Park Toddlers Face “Dog Feces” Problem

February 4th, 2009 · 8 Comments

There seems to be a problem with “dog feces” in Carroll Park, specfically in the section used by infants and toddlers. Per an email on the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association list:

Yesterday, my friend’s sitter came home and mentioned that there was a lot of dog feces in the baby section of Carroll Park. It seems lately there has been a major issue with dog owners using the park, more specifically the baby/toddler section of the park, as an improvised dog run in the early morning and late evening. As you can imagine as a result there is a lot of dog feces not picked up in the play area. My friend has contacted Friends Of Carroll Park, they are aware of the problem but they are having a hard time getting a response from anyone and they are looking for some suggestions on spreading the word. I personally love dogs but It’s a disgrace that people are not picking up after their dogs and leaving it for babies & toddlers to come into contact with and the health risks. I’m posting this to make everyone aware and to spread the word.

God, we hate this kind of, uh, shit.

Tags: Carroll Gardens

8 responses so far ↓

  • 1 pete // Feb 4, 2009 at 9:16 am

    g.d. dog owners. Dogs are fine… it is just the type of people who need to own them.

  • 2 Cobble Hill Blog » Doggie Doo Problem in Carroll Park // Feb 4, 2009 at 10:17 am

    […] Gowanus Lounge reports that there’s a problem with dog feces in the area of Carroll Park where toddlers and infants play. The problem is that there’s a lot of it, the cause of which is an “improvised dog run” that takes place in the early morning and late evening. A parent writes in: My friend has contacted Friends Of Carroll Park, they are aware of the problem but they are having a hard time getting a response from anyone and they are looking for some suggestions on spreading the word. I personally love dogs but It’s a disgrace that people are not picking up after their dogs and leaving it for babies & toddlers to come into contact with and the health risks. I’m posting this to make everyone aware and to spread the word. […]

  • 3 NYCdog.org // Feb 4, 2009 at 11:08 am

    One word: Enforcement

    In NYC it is illegal for dogs to be in a playground at any time, whether leashed or unleashed. Police or Parks Enforcement Police should stake out the park area in the early morning/late evening and issue summonses. This will likely stop the activity (and raise some needed revenue for the City).

    There’s a designated enclosed off-leash dog park located just 5 blocks away at Hick St. and Woodhull–Milo’s Run in Di Mattina Park.

    Dog owners have worked too hard to allow a very small percentage of irresponsible owners to jeapordize New York City as the most dog-friendly municipality in the U.S.

  • 4 aRrf // Feb 4, 2009 at 2:48 pm

    g.d. people who condemn an entire group because of the inappropriate acts of a few.

    There are a lot of dog owners out there who wouldn’t DREAM of not picking up after their dogs, myself included. Even when I forget to bring a plastic bag I’ll go out of my way to find enough litter lying about to use instead.

    I’m tired of people not picking up after their dogs, too – dodging feces isn’t any more fun when you’re a dog owner than it is when you’re not (if not worse because I spend more time walking down curbs and other favorite potty spots than your average person). But I’m also tired of reading how people hate me just because I own a dog.

  • 5 Anonymous // Feb 4, 2009 at 7:10 pm

    The di mattina run is a dirty filthy disgrace. They have been trying to have it paved for what seems like decades. It is too damn far for smith enviorn locals to run to. Most RESPONSIBLE dog owners run their dogs in the larger area of carroll park and they PICK UP THE POO. The people who use the baby area are idiots and not the average dog woner. They are LAZY dog owners. So, put a camera, put a cop there in the PM to patrol the BM. I have also seen a guy in the gated area with the huge boulder with his kid AND dog. There is rat poison there. I warned him. He was an idiot.

  • 6 Andrea Vaughn // Feb 5, 2009 at 2:44 pm

    Miro’s Run in DiMattina Park may not be in the best shape but there is a friendly group of locals who bring their dogs there daily. Our dogs have a blast playing there (and sleep the rest of the day). Most people are good about picking up after their dogs and there is an active group of volunteers who organize cleanup days.

    Many of us walk from Court Street. It’s a five minute walk.

  • 7 Carollius Parkus // Feb 6, 2009 at 12:19 pm

    My wife and I have two dogs, moved from the country to the city several months ago. We also have three grown children who grew up in San Francisco playing in many parks and playgrounds.

    Kids need to be supervised in city play areas. Cats climb fences and love sandboxes. Squirrels, pigeons and other critters also need to poop somewhere and don’t read the signs. Allowing toddlers to pick up anything in a park is a bad idea – it will go straight into their mouths. Use the swings, the slide, the play structures but don’t let your kids get a “country” fix by messing around in the planted areas – also home to trash, broken glass and – occasionally – hypodermic needles.

    My take on the “no dog’ signage in Carroll Park is that dogs are NOT allowed in the fenced-in children’s play area and NOT allowed on the asphalt ball field. I see no signs prohibiting dogs from using the common space in the park center, or the gated planted areas, so long as they’re on leash. Can someone clarify if that’s not the case?

    There is a neighbor who accosts dog owners who use the planted areas in the Park. He claims it’s a “children’s play area” though I see no signs about that. He seems to be referring to the entire park. I think he’s wrong and am looking into it.

    Not picking up after your dog is illegal, filthy and antisocial. So is littering and I gotta say that Carroll Gardens is overrun by trash. Maybe all that litter strewn around signals to some dog owners that they can do as they please with respect to dog poop?

    The DeMattina dog run is an off-leash, dog-only play area with a gravel-like, broken concrete surface that tears up dog pads (those that chase after balls and toys). I’m glad it’s there, but it’s not the same as quickly walking your dog on-leash through the neighborhood – including a stroll through the parks , where it’s legal.

  • 8 son // Feb 16, 2009 at 5:49 pm

    i took my 3 year old son to park near home, and there is big sign saying that “dog is not allowed “in playground. Problem is even parents who have kids bring dogs as no one seems really bothers, i see sometimes, dogs are not even leashed and running around, makes me so nervous and frustrated. once, i got invloved argument with lady who has a kid on stroller, and other hand hold leashed huge giant dog, my kid is afraid a dog-not eveyone loves dogs or animals-, she seemed so careless often lose her leash, i told her, please not to bring a dog, but she claimed her dog is friendly as if i asked how her dog was, i love animals and respect other’s life style, but as a mother of kid, i want to protect him. and it is a law to begin with. i dont want to take any slight risk for my boy. or simply read sign and keep the rule, and take your pet where is permitted. i am not sure why it is so complicated to be understood. it is really selfish action to enjoy their freedom while they destroy others. no one will be happy if someone bring a leased lion to park and says he is friendly. people should look upon others too.