We’ve posted about cohousing before and there’s a meeting coming up about it later this week. Here, from an email we received from Alex Marshall of the Brooklyn Cohousing Group:
Interested in a more community-oriented way of living? Mary Kraus of Kraus-Fitch Architects will give a free public slide show and lecture about Cohousing communities around the country and their design on Friday, Sept. 5, at 6 pm at the Brooklyn Friends Meetinghouse at 110 Schermerhorn Street in downtown Brooklyn. Free, no reservation needed. Meet the people who are currently building a cohousing community in Brooklyn, and looking for new members. Sponsored by the Brooklyn Cohousing group. For more info see www.brooklyncohousing.org.
Cohousing is a cooperative living model with more than 100 locations in the US & Canada. Per the group’s website, “cohousing offers a contemporary model for creating a secure and stimulating environment for families and individuals. In urban cohousing, people live in individual apartments but mingle in common courtyards, gardens and dining facilities. The Brooklyn Cohousing Group is currently recruiting smart, creative, and community-minded people to locate, finance, design and build a community for 20 to 30 households.”