- (Stoop) Size Matters [Brownstoner]
- The Big Blow: Brooklyn’s Atlantic Yards “Front Stoop” Will be Too Windy [AYR]
Hey, Psst, Wanna Buy Some Real Fries? Got ‘Em in Jersey:
- Diners Face Oil Slick [NYP]
- Trans Fats Get Fried [NYDN]
- New York Bans Most Trans Fats in Restaurants [NYT]
Other Reading Material:
- Astroturfing Cadman Plaza Park [NYDN]
- Brooklyn Navy Yard Owes City Money [NYT]
- Public Authorities Control Board Gets a Lot of Letters Saying “Whoa” [AYR]
- Dancing with Crazies at the Brooklyn Museum [Fast Hugs]
- (RIP Albert) What to Do with a Dead Cockatiel in Brooklyn? [Bad Advice]
- Brighton Beach Braces for Robot Invasion [Sunset Parker]
- Back to Where They Once Belonged [Brooklyn Record]
- $2.00 Half Grapefruit? [Clinton Hill Blog]
- Running Sunset Park, Borough Park [Runs Brooklyn]
- Thor’s Hammer Smells Like a Fish [Kinetic Carnival]
- Gnomes [423 Smith]